
Friday, April 1, 2016

Amazon stops sales of USB cables Type-C do not conform to standards

The Benson Leung hard and constant work in the end it helped. Over the past months the Google engineer has spent much of his free time analyzing hundreds of Type-C USB cables regularly sold on Amazon, with many finding none declared technical specifications do not comply with those officers. Leung also denounced the same products, on Amazon and elsewhere, can permanently damage the personal computer to which they were connected.

During the last few hours the company made some changes within the US portal, in this case within the "Prohibited Listings" which lists all the types of products that can not be sold on the service. Among troublemakers of all kinds, optical readers modified and illegal holders we have a new entry:

"Each cable or USB-C adapter (or USB Type-C) that does not comply with the standard specification published by USB Implementers Forum Inc".

Leung had started to review the Type-C USB cables after realizing that many of the products sold and distributed around the world were due to disappointment not only on the performance plan. In the most extreme case, which we reported in February, a USB cable Type-C had led to permanent malfunction of a laptop.

It is definitely a positive official response from Amazon that has changed its rules to stem the phenomenon as much as possible, at least within their own service. The platform does not have a team for the review of the products, and it remains unknown how they will verify the effective compliance of each individual adapter or for sale on the cable service. Leung calls "great" novelty, but it does not end its work of voluntary control.

"It's great news, but we must continue to remain vigilant and report any defective products." The problem of Type-C USB cables do not meet the specifications does not exist only on Amazon, since recently even some famous producers (OnePlus, for example) have provided some non-compliant products and probably harmful. However it is not easy to determine in advance if a Type-C USB cable is legitimate or not.

While it is good that a giant like Amazon has taken the initiative, the other at the time the only way to protect yourself is still to rely on user reviews, preferably written by authoritative sources as the same Benson Leung .

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