Sony ha annunciato una nuova linea di obiettivi per le sue mirrorless Full Frame con attacco FE. Si chiamerà G Master e, come si può intuire dal nome, si posizionerà al vertice, sopra le attuali ottiche G che hanno rappresentato, sino a questo momento, lo stato dell'arte della produzione Sony.
Comprenderà inizialmente 3 obiettivi: lo zoom standard FE 24-70mm F2.8 GM (SEL2470GM), lozoom tele FE 70-200mm F2.8 GM OSS (SEL70200GM) e il piccolo tele FE 85mm F1.4 GM(SEL85F14GM). Completano la famiglia due moltiplicatori di focale (1,4x e 2x) da utilizzare con il 70-200mm.
The new lenses were developed with two simple and clear resolutions: resolutionstellar, adapted to current and future high resolution sensor, and an awesomebokeh.
It is obviously too early to make any consideration on the actual goodness tothose goals, but a couple of information can be given. Troubleshooting, Sony has designed the new optics on the standard of 50 lines per mm. This number does not mean anything to you? Well ... If you are familiar with the MTF charts youusually find two sets of lines, one line per millimeter, which describes 10 referred to the contrast of optics, and a reference to 30 lines per millimeter, almostuniversally considered the verification standard of the resolution. Almost all manufacturers designing according to this standard, with the exception of Zeissdesigning for 40 lines per millimeter. Sony intends to overcome the "friends" of Zeiss ...
With respect to the surrender of the blur, Sony explained to be able to produce aparticularly soft bokeh and progressive, without artifacts, working on two key factors: advanced simulation and accuracy of production of aspherical lenses(traditionally difficult to machine), which now, with the new lenses XA (eXtremeAspherical) has achieved an accuracy of 0.01 microns. Speaking of Bokeh, the 85 mm Aperture blades using well 11.
Incredibly sophisticated autofocus actuators, which are optimized lens to lens.For example, the 24-70 mm using linear motors that we already enjoyed on FE 35 mm F 1.4 and that, according to Sony, provide here a precise positioning to one hundredth of a millimetre. The 70-200 mm, however, uses a doubleactuator: double ring front group, SSM linear motor for the latter group.
All are tropicalized and offer an additional button for AF lock. The 85 mm is equipped with Aperture ring that can operate with click of confirmation or insilent mode. The 70-200 mm is equipped with dual-mode and stabilizer of stroke limiter AF between 3 m and infinity.
The first to arrive, in March, will be the 85 mm and 24-70 mm, 1800 and 2200respectively priced dollars. The 70-200 mm will arrive two months later at a priceyet to be determined.
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