Who acquires license to use CryEngine V, then, it is free to pay Crytek how and how much he wants. During the presentation at the Game Developers Conference, Cevat Yerli and Frank Vitz, respectively CEO and creative director of Crytek, they gave the example of the agreement reached with Amazon to explain the new payment system. Amazon, in fact, is using CryEngine the basis for its new technology Lumberyard. Crytek for this collaboration has received 50 million dollars from Amazon. "They, like any other developer, they could decide how to contribute."
Crytek admits that other manufacturers of graphics engines have done a better job in making their tools more accessible. For this reason, in the case of CryEngine V it has worked mainly with a view to making the most intuitive interface and within reach of the largest number of people possible. In addition, Crytek will provide the Crytek Marketplace in response to the tools that rivals finished in the recent period, as the Unity Asset Store.
Crytek is investing sharply even to improve its tools for VR and, on this front, is working with Razer, AMD and Leap Motion. To promote the effort on VR has in fact already released some interesting demos such as The Climb and Code Name: Sky Harbor.
Taking a look to this post, you can find more technical details on the latest developments made with CryEngine V, which represents the largest effort by Crytek in recent years, in the words of the same Yerli.
CryEngine V introduces new APIs that allow programmers C # to start working immediately with CryEngine. It will be also reduced the overhead generated by the renderer. We will of course support for DirectX 12 and the new systems for the management of volumetric clouds and particle effects. There is also talk of a new launcher and new UI, as well as to the FMOD Studio support. Below is a video showing a roundup of games based on previous Crytek technologies.
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