
Saturday, February 13, 2016

The best game for PSP coming on smartphones

Lumines is a kind of rip-off compared to Tetris, with a pattern of play peppered with hypnotic music and fancy graphics that accompany the player as he tries to solve puzzles and joints. That game, which was so loved when it was released in the original version for PSP, is now ready to land on smartphones according to recent announcement of Mobcast manufacturer.

Temporarily known as Lumines 2016, the new version will arrive during the next summer in the iOS and Android formats. There will be two versions: the version planned for the summer will be a paid app, while the following winter comes the declination free-to-play, which will be called Lumines VS.

Lumines 2016 will be developed with the support of the programmer who created the original version, Tetsuya Mizuguchi, who has since created a new study, Enhance Games (the original house software called Q Entertainment). Lumines had already appeared on the App Store in 2009, when he was called Lumines Touch Fusion. But that app octene not as successful as hoped, partly because it had not been properly converted to interfacing via touch. Lumines 2016, however, seems designed for the latest mobile devices from the start, at least judging by the one released screenshots showing a game in portrait mode.

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